Wednesday 22 October 2008

Monday, 13 October 2008

At the moment, we can not exactly understand the mechanism of cancer cell growth and gene mutation that is the law. However, we know some of the factors that lead to mutations and environmental factors such as: cigarettes, toxic chemicals, contaminated water and food and so on; physical factors: radiation, ultraviolet radiation, such as over-heated food; the spirit of factors: the long-term anxiety, tension, the spirit of Depression, depression and so on; endocrinology and metabolism: endocrine disorders, chemicals in the body's metabolism and so may lead to cancer; sometimes genetic causes of cancer. In the long-term exposure to carcinogens, a higher risk of suffering from the pain. As far as is known, the types of cancer have more than 100 kinds. Cause they are different, the spread rate is also very different. However, environmental factors and diet are two factors that may cause cancer. Can be used in some cancer chemotherapy, and significant results. The side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss, excessive vomiting, fatigue, Tixu, infertility and kidney, and heart damage. A number of nutritional supplements and health of Chinese medicine can help the body to avoid such damage caused by treatment. Some people referred to as cancer of the immune system disease Terminator, because it can really affect the immune system of each site. Pain can not be cured, with a number of factors including the type of cancer, and quickly diagnosed with the disease, as well as the patient's medical history, lifestyle, genetic and attitudes. According to the symptoms of cancer has been the site of infection and different, but generally speaking, there are fatigue, weakness, depression, weight loss, pain, loss of appetite no symptoms. It is believed that 1 / 3 of cases of cancer and diet, so eating healthy is the best way to prevent and avoid environmental pollution is to make you a more fundamental way to avoid cancer.

Strange pig head in particular about the big long face

Strange pig head in particular about the big long face
Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. Taixing Qingyuan Huangqiao a sow's birth Touguaizhuzai all of a sudden, I saw a particularly large pig's head, went so far as the long Yizuoyiyou "face", can also Liang Zhanglian Freedom of movement, breathing, in cases of doubt, the blink of an eye will do. Veterinary Mr. He, this deformity is very rare pig. Unfortunately, around 12 noon, the collapse of a pig on. (This article Source: Reuters - Yangzi Evening News Author: WANG Guo-zhu JIA Hong-wei)

Sun of the Sleepless

Sun of the Sleepless
Sun of the sleepless! melancholy star!Whose tearful beam glows tremulously far,That show'st the darkness thou canst not dispel,How like art thou to joy remember'd well!So gleams the past, the light of other days,Which shines, but warms not with its powerless rays;A night-beam Sorrow watcheth to behold,Distinct but distant -- clear -- but, oh how cold!

Thursday 16 October 2008

Wall Street crisis does not depend on China

Wall Street financial crisis threw the world into the unknown, but officials from the United States so far no one banker to be punished. Wall Street uncovered ask the chief culprit is the voice resounded through the world, but all of a sudden, the United States and Britain struck some economists, the Chinese thought of "scapegoats" in recent days that they dished out in the media theory, that led China to the world's surplus The great power of the financial crisis is the root cause of the outbreak, and again with the RMB appreciation "to correct global economic imbalances," like the Sun Zhao. In recent years, in the West to global deflation, inflation and other issues to blame China and head of the argument, but not as good as the Wall Street financial crisis attributed to China's argument appears to be exaggerated and funny. The Wall Street out of the ordinary course of such a big trouble, shoulders the responsibility to criticize and supervise the Western media and academic circles should also be self-examination. But now the United States and Britain also think of a few elite Wall Street for modesty, the Chinese take such a thing that the victim, this is not only unfair to China, but also to the West to poison the public. Sweden to accept a scholar, "Global Times" reporter during an interview that the United States and Britain of individual financial and economic relationship between the media and Wall Street is too close, they themselves become the "financial club," a frequent visitor. U.S. financial crisis has become a scapegoat? Recently, the United States passed on to the world financial crisis is questioned by many, but some on Wall Street to help "Xizui" to pass on the outside who have been convicted of action. This is the "Asia's revenge", the British "Financial Times", deputy editor-in-chief and chief economic commentator马丁沃尔夫on October 8 the title of an article a bit sensational. According to the article, the United States and other developed countries "crazy indulgence of financial innovation and consumer loans," these countries have been encouraged by the ultra-low interest rates, while China led to a surplus of great power surplus dollars back to the United States and Britain for financial markets, direct The United States and Britain can lead to lower interest rates, the huge surplus is the country's deep-rooted crisis, one of the reasons why. British think tank Center for European Reform economist Ximeng Tai Geng Shiba Fulford of the United States as "the financial crisis scapegoat" and that criticism of the United States was "very easy to allow other countries to escape out the responsibility." Telford said that many European and Asian economies are in the prosperity of the previous credit in the process of obtaining the benefits of the enormous. He also said that without China, Germany and Japan "excessive savings", perhaps a result of this financial crisis would not have happened. Telford said the United States and Britain and other countries of the credit and prosperity of these countries is not only the policies and poor business practices caused by imbalances in the global economy it is a by-product, "the United States alone that he is unable to rise to the current difficulties" Those savings over the country's huge trade surplus has led to instability in the global economy. Such view also of the view that since the financial crisis in the global economy is certainly in line with the imbalance, it should be corrected to China led by the country's trade surplus large internal imbalances, such as China should loosen the yuan's exchange rate controls to allow the yuan to appreciate, and so speed up. Wolf's point of view and others in the West known as the "savings glut" theory, some discussions, most of the academics do not agree with this view. European Forum Web site editor Morgan believes that "savings glut" theory is trying to shift the current financial crisis, the root cause of a dangerous attempt, and the resulting financial crisis is the root cause of a number of countries the central bank's policy makers, politicians and financial leaders " Regardless of the consequences of dereliction of duty. " Morgan believes that despite some Asian countries do not maintain capital account deficit is a real desire, but their "savings glut" is also to a great extent by Western countries led to the policy of the West's policy is to create a surface The prosperity brought about a lot of wealth from the hands of the majority transferred to the hands of a few, it seems now that the West over the past few years in real terms in the much-touted prosperity is false, because the current crisis has exposed the true situation. Wall Street's partial to the side of the argument in the U.S. media more. Recently, "The New York Times" quoted an article on the Great Depression era of a story to persuade people not to "just want to punish the Wall Street." The article said that in 1929, Maiyemishi Kim runs a store in New York, in October of that year the stock market collapse, he said, "This is Hunzhang those of the rich deserve." However, the issue of the Wall Street spread to the wider economic field, Mishkin stores also closed, after he has not found a job. "The New York Times," the article says, Washington is now a lot of people are beginning to worry that the United States into a terrible recession, but worried that the American public and members of Congress would become modern Mishkin, "They are not interested in saving the economy, but Wall Street punished. " Excuse to shirk its responsibility On Wall Street the financial crisis, Professor of Economics at Stockholm University, told Nelson, "Global Times" reporter, the United States that "Grandpa grandchildren to spend the money," the habit as early as in China is not a major economies on the case; United States housing market bubble, the Americans themselves are the result of Hongtaiwujia, even in China there are huge foreign exchange reserves before the start. Nelson believes that reason, "Financial Times" of such well-known international financial media will not commit such a mistake, they do so, the most likely explanation is to evade responsibility for the West to find a scapegoat. If strict accountability, including the United States and other governments have at least the financial responsibility of inadequate supervision and a system designed to Wall Street tend to the so-called "financial elite", even though the rescue package, as some U.S. critics say Really rescued the Lehman Brothers executives of those companies, not the bottom of the common people; As for the financial media who, in fact, those with the "elite" are inextricably linked, and even their own Wall Street is the "financier Club, "a frequent visitor, so they are rare in the financial crisis on Wall Street before the accusations, now Wall Street is still in every possible way to maintain. U.S. global strategy information to the magazine's Philip Rubinstein accepted the "Global Times" reporter during an interview that China's financial crisis on Wall Street is also a victim of the view that China is the Wall Street financial crisis, saying the root causes of conflicts and very absurd. Rubinstein said that the Western media, individual scholars and the reason why the Wall Street financial crisis, the buck to China because these scholars and the media on behalf of the consortium of major financial interests, we must speak up for them to cover up the truth; by the current crisis The impact of the public anger directed at the manipulation of financial markets Jinrongguatou, put the blame on China, will be able to transfer people's attention, and to reduce the financial pressure faced by the consortium, also easily be accepted by the anti-China forces. Rubinstein said that this is also intended to maintain the financial consortium of Western financial markets to international control in order to continue in the future to lay the foundation for speculative operations. There are Chinese experts believe that even if global economic imbalances of the financial system, the system is set up by the Western developed countries, China in this system is no fundamental right to speak, let scapegoat China is extremely irresponsible, but also no good In the reform and adjustment. In the world to reflect on the root causes of the crisis Since the sub-loan crisis broke out, the vast majority of the world's economists believe that, even though from the background, there is a long-term global economic imbalances, but the circumstances leading to the direct cause of the crisis is clear that the United States and consumption patterns of supervision Let up. Harvard University economist Kenneth Rogoff said that the U.S. consumer, "consumption of all the earth has never savings." He also said that "the United States al unparalleled financial system thanks to its consumers can buy almost no down payment on luxury cars. They can to the value of the property as collateral for more loans every year, and spent every Money. They can be less and less of their savings to enjoy life more and early retirement. "Such consumption patterns and combination of Wall Street greed, sooner or later to the problem. The management of the United States in the "9.11" and then deliberately connived at such a frenzied consumption, with a view to promote U.S. economic recovery, Wall Street is in control of this train of thought under the guidance of becoming more relaxed, and the rating Institutions is a serious dereliction of duty, there is no early warning information in a timely manner, which to Wall Street greed of the speculators have created an unprecedented opportunity. In Europe, politicians from most of the media to target the United States. France tiro so well-known economist in the "expansion" magazine on a case-by-point analysis of the cause of the crisis mechanism that from the micro-speaking, the root causes of the crisis is that U.S. financial authorities of the lack of supervision, so that the risk of a large number of loans into bonds In the field of financial flows, which spread to the entire international financial system, triggered the crisis. European media that, from a macro, the problem is that the U.S. system of deep-seated reasons. French Prime Minister Fillon on October 3 In the face of the majority members pointed out: crisis in France is not a crisis but a global crisis, is the initiator and irresponsible "financial capitalism", clearly point out the United States. "Le Figaro" in the U.S. financial system, described as "a casino-style" system, that the current financial crisis deeply touched the United States, smashed half a century, the ideology of the United States - the national policy of laissez-faire. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said at a press conference the other day, this financial crisis is rooted in "hedge funds" and the like in order to carry the primary purpose of the capital, these funds will control the stock market into a pure capitalism Speculative and wrong able to extricate themselves. Sarkozy said: "Some people say we do not know who should be held responsible. Is not it? How the profit, they take out one by one all the red?" He stressed the need for those responsible for the financial crisis, "checks And punishment. " "Deutsche Welle" radio station comes down to the root causes of the crisis in countries such as the United States and Britain "ignored the risk of wild speculation" and "financial sector drifted away from the economic environment outside the self-contained attempt must be stopped. Banks and the stock market to be down-to-earth and return to the Real economy, at every turn, after all, 15-20 percent of the high rate of return in the real economy is very realistic.'s Greed bank executives should also be put under control. " "The Western criticism of China, we do not rule out the possibility to put pressure on China so that China's intention to pay." China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said Jiang Yong, the West demands that the financial crisis in China "to assume more responsibility" Point of view, is simply untenable. China to do a good job in their own affairs, China's financial stability of the situation live, is the regional economic stability and the global economy.

Harbin disclosure of university students killed 6 police details

At 22:00 on the 11th at 9, Harbin Railway Cultural Gongpang candy bars in front of the injuries occurred in a vicious death cases caused by Lin Songling victims died on the spot. At present, the police have Hashi 6 police on suspicion of criminal detention, and set up a task force to investigate. The latest progress Task force to investigate Recently, the Harbin Municipal Public Security Bureau set up the "10.11" task force. 6 suspects in connection with the case have been detained, the police said that police involved in the case constitutes a crime punishable by law, does not constitute a crime dealt with by discipline. No matter who is involved in the case must be investigated in the end. 6 police released the identity of Hashi police recently announced the suspect's identity: the new Qi, male, 30 years old, Kazakhstan Railway Public Security Bureau directly under the Office of the Public Order Police Battalion, deputy leader; Li Feng, male, 28 years old, Zhaodong City Public Security Bureau police, public security University-the-job training; Li Xinyu, M, 30 years old, the Public Security Bureau Hashi anti-drug police detachment; Jin-Gang Wang, male, 31 years old, Hashi Xiangfang Branch Public Security Bureau police; Luan Ao, M, 31 years old, Hashi Public Security Bureau police, traffic police detachment; Liu M, M, 31 years old, Kazakhstan Railway Public Security Bureau police command center. Four former classmates of the new Department of Qi, Liu Qi is the new male colleagues. Details replay 14, the case is not only an eyewitness, the party is 3 for the young people of the interview with reporters for the first time to disclose the details of the incident that night fight. The two sides by the numbness of the mouth to fight Lin Songling this year, 22-year-old, 1.92 meters tall, is the Harbin Institute of professional basketball 2004 students, fresh graduates this summer. The incident occurred on the same day, Lin Songling are alumni of the car-birthday night 7:30 7 in a restaurant for dinner, after dinner-drive vehicles pulled another girl and Lin Songling first bars. In front of the bar, a silver sedan without license Bora come, "fast. Chong come directly to me." Liang said that the car was subconsciously he said to himself, "This is the opening night of the car ah?" , Up 3 men beat him on the shoulder, " 'night frightened to you?' Then we have had a quarrel." Night of the peer-YEUNG and others said that by fighting to quarrel, "who do not want to move hand Up, and the scene was very chaotic. " Not go outside a bar fight Fighting for the first time in the staircase inside the bar, bar staff were stopped, the two sides will push to bar the door. Liang said that the car from the bar after he had been wearing a blue one to discuss the man said, "Do not leave it up to play." YEUNG said that this time out of a white man has been scolded, "I will fight his way through the white clothes, but a few were immediately pushed into the wall close to the fighting." Taken at the scene to monitor the video, which For the deceased revealed that in one area, crossed each other's play was stopped, then stepped forward to attack the other side had. Lin Songling noted that the first thing is YEUNG, "I was blocking them in the fight against the wall, Lin Songling around to see all of a sudden a few people around him, but I would like to make life difficult for in the past, I Jiuhan Pershing (companion that night) that you Chung Ling look at the past. " Police do not know each other is Pershing YEUNG heard shouting, then to see the upper part of the body Chek Lin Songling running quickly in the past, a few people in the back of the recovery. Pershing memories, Lin Songling day wearing a black windbreaker small, "he took off his jacket is, but how did the shirt I do not know." Pershing to recover tens of meters away, lying on the ground to see Lin, the body A twist. "I was playing Ba Kai Ling said people do not play, someone seize on the back of my hair pressed me to live, do not know if I have a few people follow the first non-stop playing." YEUNG said that per capita, and so on until later to the police station, the police do not know each other. They also said that he had beaten their "absolutely more than 6 individuals." Friends say The identity of the police beating people, attracted a network to denounce the sound. Reporters noted that initially, the thread of the police who have denounced the act more than words, while the deceased was to have sympathy. 13, Heilongjiang TV station broadcast a live video monitor so that network to public opinion, almost one-sided denounced by the police, some of the friends that turned the conduct of the deceased are also suspected of conflicts. Some Internet users believe that several heavy with Cold Lin Songling, leading to the gradual escalation of the conflict. Such voices give rise to greater controversy, many friends said: "As police, why not have the legal means to solve the problem, but rather than fight each other Genghen? People killed?"

Guangzhou female sexual index of the respondents out of five women into non-sexual

"Guangzhou female sexual Index Survey" released yesterday People involved in the investigation of a female middle school students, female university students, women in the workplace, "GUANGZHOU female sexual Index Survey" released yesterday. Reporters learned from the Guangzhou respondents of the five women into the workplace as a result of pressure on the survival of large decline in the quality of life, sexual index more than female students. Experts said that the female sexual disharmony, will seriously affect health. Women in the workplace, "interested" not strong By the National Maternal and Child Health Industry Development Center of the Medical Women's Health Committee, sponsored by the Guangzhou family planning from the beginning of July 2008 for a period of 3 months, "Guangzhou female sexual Index" (hereinafter referred to as "investigation") yesterday released the results. The agency issued a questionnaire through online surveys, a total of 7826 valid questionnaires were received. "Investigation" comprehensive statistical data show that an average of the parties: Guangzhou 50% of the respondents dissatisfied with the sex life of women. Survey pointed out that white-collar female sexual index of the lowest, only 45.8 percent of a harmonious sexual life. In contrast, women wage earners reached 51.6 percent, even the female students than female white-collar high 4.3 percent. Why do women work, "interested" not strong? According to the analysis, work pressure, gynecological diseases and the sexual partners of the problems of women "interested" is not. "Manghuo two children and is a true reflection of modern white-collar women, they must" take into account internal and external "cause physical and mental fatigue, which has the potential to become of their" cold "." Of Guangdong Province, said Zhu Jiaming, vice president of the Institute. More and more unmarried "Investigation" also found surprising: the avant-garde ideas of female university students in Guangzhou and more and more "open." It is understood that 86.71 percent of the respondents believe that female university students "pre-marital sex as long as both sides are willing to", but this concept does not match that of the group of five adults do not understand contraception. As a result, non-pregnant girl students, Guangzhou 3.64 percent more people did flow, and more than 1. A hospital in Guangzhou Li Ying, director of gynecology for Guangzhou, said an increasing number of unmarried girls surprised, "Some girls age so low I can not imagine." Liyingzhuren doctor said: "The hospital usually unmarried girls for people to do surgery More than 10 cases per month, but rose during the winter and summer vacations to more than 50 cases per month. " "Knowledge" is not enough to promote universal "Sexual Paradise" for many people is a mystery in the field, and even afraid to "face up" to talk about sex. At present, in Guangzhou, as many as 72% of women have not received the full knowledge of the education system. "53% of women said that their knowledge is only gradually with age know, 46% from magazines, networks, newspapers see." Survey pointed out. The most typical female secondary school students, their knowledge of only 3% from a teacher to obtain, and is the main source of knowledge and cartoon network. In the children surveyed, 40 percent of children do not know, "menstruation" and "emission" is how the case. "Scope of the publicity is not popular enough to have such a situation." Zhu Jiaming pointed out. Experts read No "sexual" risk of gynecological diseases Li Ying said that the sex life of women are not satisfied with the rate was so high, with a lot of reasons, apart from women frequency of sex life than men, female masturbation frequency lower than that of men is also an important reason. In addition, many women are not enough male attention, not only will affect the quality of life, will not lead to endocrine tune. "It's kind of easy for female menstrual disorders, irregular ovulation infertility will be." Li Ying pointed out that "sometimes too-frequent result will be" non-sexual, "pelvic congestion, cervical erosion, and other gynecological diseases, it will also lead to Attack. " 500 exhibits to the woman, "said" New Express (Reporter Li Si Lu correspondent Huangzhen E) women's age curve and gave birth to knowledge, and even men's sexual psychology is no longer "mysterious." The first woman to the theme of cultural centers in Guangzhou yesterday's opening of the Charity Hospital, 15, from 25 to play, free of charge 8 to open the exhibition hall, open for women to rise to a new life for themselves and their concerns. According to the host hospital, eight separate exhibition hall displaying Favorites hospital long history of the evolution of human love and marriage photos, and crafts, taste, as well as domestic supplies of rare documentary "Diary of a womb," and so on a total of more than 500 pieces of sex-related exhibits. Hall also "Anything that" education, to guide the unmarried girl, "and education" in the exhibition hall, the development of 6 weeks, 9 weeks and 14 weeks, 5 and a half months, 7 and a half months, and so different from the "age" Infant flow embryos were the most stirring exhibits, see a lot of women stunned the audience. Most concerned about the large 7 and a half months of a baby specimens. From the samples, "Baby" rose-colored skin, like wrinkles, umbilical cord and placenta attached with tight, and facial features are clearly visible. According to staff, this time the fetus weighs about 650 grams -1000 grams, more than 30 cm tall, if you choose to do induced labor in pregnant women of great bodily injury. (Reporter Li Si Lu correspondent Huangzhen E)

The Ministry of Health informed of Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital infection case

In September 2008, Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of serious infection in hospitals, 8 neonate lead Sept 5 to 15 took place during the day disseminated intravascular coagulation have been killed. Ministry of Health yesterday that the investigation into the incident and was informed of the results. Informed by the Ministry of Health expert group to investigate that the incident was a serious infection in the hospital, the hospital the following questions: First, the hospital did not fully implement the technical specifications clinics and hospital infection management system; part of the work of the medical staff do not have a strong sense of responsibility, thinking of paralysis. Second, the hospital has not yet set up an independent hospital infection management and performance of the duties. In addition, hospital infection management staffing is insufficient to ensure the focus of infection in the hospital sector and the implementation of aspects of testing, inspection and guidance. Third, the hospital did not establish an effective monitoring system for hospital infections can not be found in a timely manner hospital infections and outbreaks of infection in hospitals, unable to take effective measures to deal with and control. Hospital neonatal section in a short period of time, there have been a number of infections and deaths, hospital concealed the existence of a major incident hospital infection. Fourth, infection prevention and control many aspects of the existence of hidden dangers. Serious incidents of nosocomial infection in the newborn section layout of the building, work flow, disinfection and isolation in such areas as there is an obvious flaw. On the part of the neonatal equipment and materials used in the wrong use of the method of disinfection; does not regulate medical personnel to carry out hand hygiene; for the newborn heparin tube closure without the use of liquid marking time, and so on. After the incident, Xi'an Jiaotong University basis of the findings to remove the Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Medicine and president of the First Affiliated Hospital, vice president in charge of the office, the director of newborn removed from the hospital, the head nurse's office, replacing the Department of Medical Hospital, nursing Department and other relevant functions of the head office. (Author: Zhang Ying)

U.S. "Washington" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in Japan

Sept. 25, one of the largest U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "George Washington" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier arrived in the U.S. Navy base in Yokosuka, Japan officially stationed. This is the first U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier stationed overseas. ★

Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang held a regular press conference

.People's Network on October 16 According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, in October 16, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang held a regular press conference, mainly on the Pakistani President's visit to China, the six-party talks, such as answering a reporter's question. Qin Gang: Good afternoon, everyone. First of all, several news release. Invitation of President Hu Jintao, President of the Republic of Slovenia Danilo Ataturk will be held Oct. 24-28 on a state visit to China. , President of the Ataturk will be held in Beijing to attend the seventh Asia-Europe summit. The invitation of Premier Wen Jiabao, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung will be held Oct. 20-25 on an official visit to China; the Kingdom of Denmark Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen will be held on October 20 25, to an official visit to China; the Republic of Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk will be held Oct. 21-25 on an official visit to China; the Republic of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will be held Oct. 22-27 to China for an official Visit; the Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel will be held Oct. 23-25 on an official visit to China; the Kingdom of the Netherlands Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende will be held Oct. 23-29 in China An official visit. These leaders will be held in Beijing to attend the seventh Asia-Europe summit. Now I will take your question. Q: Yesterday, the President of Pakistan and President Hu Jintao held talks and signed a series of agreements, but agreements on the little details of the release. You are in a position to elaborate the specific details of the agreement which it? I am particularly interested in China to Pakistan to provide financial assistance to what? Please also note satellites What is the content of the agreement. A: Yesterday, Zardari and President Hu Jintao After the talks, the two sides signed a series of related agreements. All of you are reporters witnessed the signing ceremony of an agreement, the agreement involved a wide range, including economic and technological, trade, mining, agriculture, environmental protection, communications satellite, Radio, Film and Television and other fields. Q: At present tension between Cambodia and Thailand, they are among the country to China to seek mediation it? China on their border dispute view? A: We the Thai-Cambodian border expressed concern about the conflict in the hope that the two sides can exercise restraint and properly resolve the dispute through dialogue. Q: I accept your proposal Tuesday to me every day to see a watch on the date. This morning, I have found that on October 16, and tomorrow during the Olympic apply to the foreign correspondents will be provided for the management failures. All of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials will ensure the timely dissemination of information, you can tell me, from midnight tomorrow, we will continue to take effect in January last year, the management of foreign correspondents work? A: I note in particular that you wear on the wrist table. I also understand the urgency we feel. Let me reiterate that the Chinese government's adherence to the reform and opening up, we will continue to welcome foreign correspondents in China reported an interview, and we will continue to work in China, to facilitate the provision of life and services. The arrangement, we will quickly tell you that. Q: Will the Chinese side on how to deal Canavalia Japan occurred in the Green issue? A: The Chinese government attaches great importance to product quality and food safety, we know that this news is very concerned about. First of all we have to eat food-related illness after the Japanese consumer to express our sincere condolences to the hope that her speedy recovery. Informed of the news, we immediately to the Japanese Embassy in China to understand the situation, quality inspection departments immediately sent people to Yantai in Shandong enterprises to carry out the investigation. As far as I know, the local government has also set up a special leading group for investigation of the current investigation is under way. Judging from the current preliminary results, the normal production equipment, the complete production records, and did not find the quality and safety of the existence of hidden dangers, the business is the norm. The products prior to export has also been detected. At that time, did not detect dichlorvos, methamidophos, such as pesticide residues. Yesterday, China's quality inspection department of the same batch again, the same kind of export food to stay was tested and no pesticide residue was found. We have a preliminary investigation to the Japanese side had informed the Japanese side should also request the Japanese Embassy officials today rushed to Yantai in Shandong to understand the situation. Japanese authorities also provide China with a number of circumstances. Japan only in the relevant agencies to provide consumers of products found in a bag of DDVP. At the same batch of the same products did not find this pesticide residues. I also note that the relevant Japanese departments, the police, and the media, over the past two days have generally agreed that the food in the production process contaminated the possibility of relatively small, probably not a food safety accidents, are more likely to be Man-made inputs. We also note that the Japanese police investigation. Deal with this incident, the Japanese side with the Chinese side is willing to maintain close communication and cooperation, find out the truth as soon as possible. Now I can provide these, if there is further progress, we will let you all know in a timely manner. If you want to track the progress of the latest technology and related issues, to suggest that you ask China's quality inspection department. Q: I have two questions. First, we heard that China and Pakistan recently signed an energy cooperation agreement, you may be able to give more details about the content of it? Secondly, the won depreciated by 8.5 percent today, Japan has indicated that it will not help the resumption of the Korean won currency, China will not help South Korea? If China is willing to help, will provide what kind of help? A: You mentioned that the Sino-Pakistani cooperation in energy, which means the area? The wide range. From me, I did not grasp the two sides signed an energy agreement, the two sides signed an agreement in the areas we have to tell you published. As to your second question, we are also very close attention to the current international financial crisis in Asia, including the impact. Since the crisis began, has been issued by China's stability and cooperation in the signal that we are willing to work with other countries, including the countries of the region to work together to overcome the current difficult situation to deal with this financial crisis. Q: China will take concrete measures to do? A: I am sorry, I am not in charge of finance officials. If you are interested in this issue, you can go to the departments concerned to understand. Q: Pakistan is on. You did not mention the energy and financial cooperation between China and Pakistan did not mean that the signing of further civilian nuclear energy cooperation agreement? China on the Palestinian side not to carry out large-scale financial aid? A: China and Pakistan in the field of civilian nuclear energy cooperation with good. We are willing to continue on the basis of equality and mutual benefit with the Palestinian side to carry out cooperation in this field. China and Pakistan in the field of civilian nuclear energy cooperation, first, exclusively for peaceful purpose; Second, the two countries in line with their international obligations; third, to accept International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards. As an all-weather friend of Pakistan, at present the Chinese side understands the Palestinian side in economic, financial difficulties being faced by our Palestinian side is willing to continue to provide support and assistance within its capacity, the two financial institutions will maintain communication. Q: The next round of six-party talks if the meeting is being developed for? Will be held? The Chinese side hopes that in the Asia-Europe summit to be held before or after? A: In all the time as soon as possible to facilitate the convening of the six-party next would be the head of the six-party consensus. China is working with the other five parties to communicate and coordinate. We will have the information made public as soon as possible. Q: The newspaper said North Korea if South Korea continues to take its hostile policy, North Korea and South Korea may be interrupted comprehensive North-South relations. Will this affect the process of the six-party talks? A: The Chinese side has always been committed to the Korean Peninsula and lasting peace, security and stability. We hope and support for the North and the South on the peninsula through dialogue to achieve reconciliation and cooperation, to improve relations between North and South, which is also conducive to promoting the process of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. At present, the six-party talks made important progress in a series of the world is a hard-won, and faced with a further opportunity to move forward. We hope that all parties keep their promises, while the opposite line, to work together to promote the six-party talks forward

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Sun of the Sleepless

Sun of the sleepless! melancholy star!
Whose tearful beam glows tremulously far,
That show'st the darkness thou canst not dispel,
How like art thou to joy remember'd well!

So gleams the past, the light of other days,
Which shines, but warms not with its powerless rays;
A night-beam Sorrow watcheth to behold,
Distinct but distant -- clear -- but, oh how cold!


The reason why human beings are quite different from other animals is that we can consider the world independently and analyse the things around us. However, it is impossible to get the ability from god to avoid misunderstandings. Either the misapprehensions are beautiful or suck, they make the world much more colorful, but complex ...人类能够充分区别于动物的地方在于人们能够独立思考并能够最周围的世界做出分析. 然而, 上帝却没有赐予人类避免误会的能力. 不管那些误会是美丽的还是带来厄运的, 它们都使这个世界变得更多彩, 同时也更复杂了...Many movies and novels have taken advantage of the effect produced by misapprehension to grasp the audiences' and readers' interests and attention. Such as the misunderstanding beteen Shreck and the princess in the end of their journey, the misapprehension between the black woman and the white policeman if the movie , and the misunderstanding between Gu xiaobei and Lin Lan in the novel . In my opinion, misapprehension is a kind of regretful beauty. It can produce a stronger psychological rebound, then making an unexpected effect. Maybe it's also kinds of aesthetic point of view to appreciate things. Just like what the tragic stories showed to us ---- a beautiful drawback.许多电影和小说都利用了误会所产生的效果来抓住观众和读者的兴趣和注意力. 比如史莱克和公主在行程快结束时产生的误会, 在电影<撞车>中那个黑人女人与白人警察的误会, 还有在小说<梦里花落知多少>中顾小北与林岚之间的误会. 在我看来, 误会就是一种遗憾美. 它能够产生一种更强烈的心理反弹, 而制造出意想不到的效果. 或许这也是美学欣赏事物的一个角度. 就像悲剧所产生的效果---- 一种遗憾美.But the misunderstandings in are quite different. Instead of making people feel uncomfortable, it produces a comedic effect. For example, in the fifth season, Richel gave a wrong kiss to the boss who held the inerview ~ Fortunately, she finally got the job. Her misunderstanding of her boss just shows her cute character. And this special way to show the misunderstanding is also one of the reasons why is so popular.但是<老友记>中的误解是很不同的. 它没有使观众感觉不舒服, 相反却产生出一种喜剧效果. 比如在第五季中瑞秋在面试时错给了老板一个吻~~ 幸运的是她最终还是得到了那份工作. 她对她的老板的误解恰恰向我们展示了她性格中的可爱. 而以这种特殊方式表现的误解也正是<老友记>如此受欢迎的原因之一.

Talk about your beautiful misapprehension of your life......

Talk about your beautiful misapprehension of your life......When I saw this topic,I have nothing to say.bcz in my life,there haven't beautiful misapprehension occured till now.but if beautiful misapprehension will let you meet the right person,I think the chances are slim.maybe I haven't met such beautiful situations,hehe,I am single.of course,misapprehension was occured usually in life,then it was beautiful or sad,I think most of that was sad.this is just my opinion,but I will take some examples to explain my opinion.I remembe that I studied at middle school at the monent,my eldest sister worked in the garment eldest sister knew a man from different province,she told my father that whether she could make him as her boyfriend or father said,it would be decided by my eldest sister,but she'd better not make boyfriend with the people who was from different province.nobaby talked about this thing till the another thing eldest quit her job and wanted to get another one,but she didn't let my father know.perhaps my father misunderstood her just because she hided this eldest and that man left the garment factory at the same time,they went to Dong Guang,that man said he could help my eldest sister to get a job in Dong Guang,so my eldest sister gone with father just thought that she eloped with the man,but the truth was on the last,my father found my eldest sister in DongDuang.from that monent,my father didn't believe my eldest sister any more.In fact,I could understand my father's mood at that time,he worried more about my eldest sister but get angry on her.but my eldest sister was fed by him,just because that man is from different province,and then he didn't believe his daughter.everything has changed when my eldest sister came back father often scolded her when no other persons at home.if there won't happen this thing,my eldest still is the apple of my father's eyes.everything seems that it couldn't be come back to the eldest felt very disappointment.she came up with a method to let my father trust her,that method still let me feel chilling till now.she cut her own little finger in order to prove herself.I was not in the scene,but I cried when I saw my eldest sister's little finger.this thing has passed for a long time.but as if my father doesn't forget this thing.he is still treat my eldest sister very well,but that concern didn't same as eldest sister oftern tell me about this.she looks like very sad when she think of this.I often advice her don't think too much.but sometimes,I will ask myself,If I make a mistake one day,do my father treat me the same way as my eldest sister,I feel so confused....

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Xinjiang Shihezi child welfare group Zaobao Da

Asian Heart WebEx (Reporter Ben Wang Fang-an) Xinjiang Shihezi City Social Welfare Institute has been a collective group of children beaten aunt, happened in the afternoon of Oct. 12. Some children were injured, a true red and swollen left leg wounds, they told reporters subcordiformis network, no one told the president, fear of a heavier punishment. The children said the first thing we do not take a beating, the most severely hit, hit is the management of all living and learning "big sister" and Lili "auntie" Wang Fang, Asian children to take a beating heart network reporters set out a list of students. They said that afternoon, from primary to junior high school of more than 30 students were severely reprimanded, in which 15 children were playing, the obvious wounds 67. More than 30 children had been playing all collective cry of pain The incident occurred the night, Tong Tong's father to take him home and dry food, to see recognition of their "son" to walk limp, he knows the truth of the matter. Tong Tong Shihezi is the third of secondary school students, but also the welfare of orphans, the good news is that she identified the stem Ganma Dad, every time, or over the weekend, dry on Ganma father to pick her to go home, sometimes with her Xiaguan Zi. Asian Heart saw network reporters Tong Tong, were also found some of the children, 67 children injured. Roll up their trouser legs, situated only red green and red lines are imprinted, massive bruising around the skin. The penalty in the beating of children, the youngest only eight years old, the little girl called Swallow, two Ma Weibian hair, forehead with two other credit card issuers, the bright red face, strangers, Will be little face looked up and smiled. Swallow Shihezi is a third-year secondary school students, her belly part of his left leg, a total of wounded to prescribe both the red, two belly right leg, bending little school uniforms set off trouser legs to the heart sub-network of correspondents to see when the wrinkled Brow, Duzhuoxiaozui shout "Aunt ... ... pain!." Gently stroking from trousers, innocent and lively Swallow Road: "Aunt, after school, I can not run faster." Subcordiformis network reporter asked her why, swallows little face looked up and said, "run faster, leg pain ... ... " Swallow said that his injured leg, Lili is the fight. "She took a long note, like the kind of bamboo, pumping hard ... ... I first pumping his right leg, the pain I went back, and then she let me come to stretch his left leg, under the Tenth Five-Year!" "You know how the next Five-Year Plan?" Subcordiformis network reporter asked, then swallow without thinking, "next to the number of people help me!" "You cried for you? Why did she make you?" "Cried, my brother and sister were crying ... ..." Swallow said that the presence of everyone cried, and his beaten, I will not be back no multiplication, test scores do not recall. Beaten that day is Sunday. The children said that about 15:00 or so, eat lunch, they called Lili was the first multi-function hall lecture, next to each person to report their test scores, who do not pass the exam to be punished beaten on the spot, after four or five Children were "aunt" called the office, playing with mop handle. "Let us Lili stroke from trouser legs, the test or not test scores less than the requirement that she used bamboo Choutui. Aunt is called her our own offices, with the mop handle hatchet man, kicking." HUA being beaten in three Shihezi in the sixth grade, the students said that the attack was mainly for academic and the other is that he and a few children damage the yard washing machines. The children said that from elementary school to junior high school was about San Sishi personal cried to accept multi-function hall and lecture education, the students were beaten on the spot cried after each person made an oral assurance to leave after the last child 67, Wang Fang was called the office. "Sister fight, so that the pants off, standing up to fight when necessary, anyone who tamper with, Genghen play. Choude pain so we certainly shrink in the future, about the final draw, I really can not stand, A cry. "Said Ling-Ling said, the tears came, she could not go on, Chou Yan began non-stop. Ling-Ling and a little skin, the time to speak with their heads bowed, were not loud enough, it seems that she has not forgotten the pain, say a few words each, it can not help looking around the ridicule: "Aunt, we are in a low voice, to let people know , They will Genghen we play. " Asian Heart Network reporter for the promise he kept confidential, Lingling cry, and Min Qi her trouser legs, two red scars. "I see her cry, do not make mistakes again warned before I go on her, I math test 60 hours, she said that I will not do math, they did not meet the requirement of 70 hours, to be honest, I do not like to stay Here, my mother alive, I have never played. "Big stars tears once again slipped down the corner of the Ling-Ling, said her parents sick last year after the death of their welfare came to life. The children said that the primary school grades 1-4 to test more than 95 points, 70 in 2056, split-level passes, the school must pass it this semester is to develop the new rules, was not so strict. And Ling-Ling, also beaten lengthy one, she and Tong Tong, Zhao Zhao and the others had been in the punishment of Li-Li, Wang Fang has been playing with mop. "I have a math test 54 hours, 3 o'clock, after dinner, sister Lili us to report on the performance multi-function hall, next to each report, the failed test on the use of bamboo Choutui, the smallest multiplication I Swallow Will never let her want results, not think, let us lift pants leg to play. "Lengthy that finished after allowing only let down, and then clean up" the next student. " Beaten twice in one day is too sad to be afraid of playing reporter begged subcordiformis network made not to report Students return to their quarters, according to the lengthy recall, about 17 o'clock, he and Tong Tong, Zhao Zhao, and others have been, Wang Fang was called the Office of themselves. "We have instructions not only aunt, said that the examination of the matter, we have also said that the washing machine broke." Lengthy, they one day, was hit twice. "Aunt hatchet man with mop handle and legs, kicking us." Tong Tong said: "The test usually bad or wrong, they were a hit, with bamboo pump Lili, Wang Fang aunt with a stick or mop fight , Said that if a good exam, personal hygiene well, will take a beating. " The wounded were children, most of the "sad, afraid of being beaten again," Some children learn the identity of reporters Asian Heart Network, Asia and even to the heart network begged reporters not to report issued. Fourteen-year-old birthday, but the pain received a birthday present "In fact, we should also take a beating, sleep study and the future direction of society, in the face of more things, and I feel no different from other children." Lele said frankly that he is an optimist, she do not want this To talk too much about, even if the hope that in the past. Huan and Le Le are twins, as a sister of Huanhuan do not agree with her point of view. "You can afford, but that's the way we deal with, than we are young students how to do bear." Finish, the good old red eyes, "I do not want to discuss this matter, the test is not good, than we thought No one uncomfortable, but we have to fight face-to-face ... ... "happy paused, turned his head looked out the window:" The other day I was fourteen-year-old birthday, I will never forget the pain. " Then think of her as "Auntie, do not be able to write it? Or other published reports, so that our welfare ... well ...." I know that the aunt is also good for us 17-year-old Wang is very sensible clever, though she's playing very serious, there are 10 injuries on the legs, but expressed its understanding of welfare, her swollen legs of the Lao Gao, the limp when walking, she Asia Heart network reporter described the circumstances surrounding the incident. For Lili hit, she said there is the matter that he was also one of the hitters. "Maybe, sister and aunt also good for us, my English exam only 24 minutes, because we did not do well until the penalty, they were aunt's lengthy fight, because they ruined washing machines, and stealing parts to sell out . "Wang said, to their own welfare for eight years, and for the future, not to think about this carefully, but the biggest wish is that the success of this test, when after the show host. Responsible for the welfare of people do not know that the matter At 14 o'clock on the October 14, sub-network of correspondents to find the heart the welfare of the people in charge of Guo Long, was informed about the matter, first of all, she said he was surprised. "Now no one to reflect, the children did not start." She said: "Wang is the head of the Department of the students at the same time control the children's health, the library's storage yard, Lili out of our homes The orphans, now in a hospital internship, usually, she is a long-quarters, placing more than their small children, counseling them to learn from. The two men are very dedicated, Wang Fang often called the children to eat their own, Internet, counseling children learn , Lili also love children, with the delicious, want to own, but left his younger brothers and sisters. " The children were playing, the Long March, Guo said he did not know. "We will immediately investigate and implement it, this is not my place of work, even if the child again wrong, it can not be determined to fight, in this way is very incorrect, we have to take seriously the solemn, the children were playing, we Will appease, no longer guarantee that a similar situation. " (Reported in both parties assumed name, as the president of the real name)

Chinese look at the cleaning staff under the billboard humble life

Earned 650 yuan per month for cost-saving, cleaning billboard in the back of the set with a simple "home", not only their daily room and board here, the sisters also became a tool for storage, rest of the "safe haven." Yesterday, the Office of the cleaning staff "home" to be reached on-line users to seek their common love of the hard work of these "City of the beauticians." "Dayan Tanan side of the Wild Goose Pagoda Road, a huge billboard behind a rectangular shed, I went into and found that there is a temporary shacks erected, is cleaning up the staff, they just want to encounter rain in the next Snow, rain has a snow. They say that is the envy of some street cleaning staff have the Road classes, they can not here, they want their own way to avoid the storm Zhaoyi Chu place. "Yesterday, one by the name of" Qin moon "Friends in Xian, a Web site posting attracted the attention of reporters from accompanying 5 photos can be seen on this billboard up in the shed behind the pits, pots and pans and taste, there are beds, the Crude pits has become a temporary member of the cleaning "at home." The friends said that after the photo shoot in this group was sour, in the bustling city life behind such a group of "City of the beauticians" Through perseverance and hardship, and tenaciously up the burden of the whole family. The friends said that down the address, reporters found a wild South 5th Rd. If cleaning is not a member of the guidelines, really do not know a shooting range before the repair department of a huge billboard cleaning staff under temporary "home", which caught a huge billboard and a green brick wall in the middle. Simple canopy of beams in take the side of the billboard behind the tripod, because of a high enough, the mattress five blocks. More than one meter wide aisle in the middle branch of the bed. The canopy is a summary of scrap metal door of the purse, the other side of the curtain arm, and go further in a simple cookstoves, which is cleaner cooking Wang Yali. However, no coincidence, Changan Qu Ming Wang Yali back to the calf home in the land of corn. "Wang Yali work did not have to say, Xiuli Bu from the hotel near the Cross, a total of 8 wire rod length, each 50 meters away from the poles, every day a clean sweep." Here is responsible for cleaning the head of the Wang Lee Said Wang Yali very poor family, two of the three children in elementary school, his father paralyzed in bed, her husband fell ill a few years ago do not survive, she January when the cleaning staff did not how much money a woman up in this house is not easy . "Living here is not it, you give us some detailed calculations, 650 yuan on January wages, rent a simple house in January to 150 yuan expenditure, together with the food left over how much money we can to support their families ? "A member of Procter & Gamble said. While the poor here, but the cleaning has become a member of the "safe haven." Tired and sleepy, sisters pass by here to rest the foot of the total; a stuffy home, we meet here has become a good place to chat about everyday matters. We have been accustomed to here as "home", a good break from the advertising side of the mouth of a small drill to work out, and this is their life, but also hard to meet. (Wang Fei Wu Li-hui stability)

Poverty-stricken counties in Shaanxi to build luxury villas, director of the village, said the new rural

Villagers: "These houses can not afford to buy!" Oct. 14, reporters are going to South County Town Village home office, just to see along the way into the building Anhui still be able to see traces of the old house. In the village to the east, the reporter saw a white wall and much of Anhui villa, the grand style, hillside, three hours Each villa, 282 square meters each, each for a two. "These houses are priced at Siwushiwan yuan, your good! We can not afford to buy!" These houses are very beautiful eye-catching, passing through every one can not help but look to follow. In the west of the village, reporters saw villagers here is original residential areas, some housing is being built, the villagers of individual housing projects built before next year. Director of the village: "This is the building of the Village" "We are developing too fast over the past three years, we have a run-down village from the village of earth-shaking changes have taken place, attracted attention from all sides!" Meet any home village party branch secretary of the village committee and Wang Yu, director of storage on a very exciting Said. It is reported that these houses covers an area of 7 acres, is to start construction in March of this year, in July of Homeland County Business Council received a tip sent to investigate, found the villa belonging to the illegal construction of an area, opened a 50,000 yuan fine, do not let Foreign sale. "This 20-suite villa is to say I do not agree that this is our term of office Age Village!" Said Wang Yu Cang, Villa should have a garden, garage, the area should be about 1 acre. It is understood that the Murakami fund-raising over 400 million to build these houses in rural areas to guide the new concept building, although each house are three buildings, an area of 282 square meters, covers an area of only 1 minute, is taking the intensive Ways of the masses than the original area of a lot less; due to the adjustment of the national land policy and business County Land Resources Bureau under the leadership of the main replacement, leading to a smooth process for the land. "I believe this is a good thing, but in the process of doing the details in place, but I believe that the Government will give me a fair view!" Magistrate: "there is not first approved building!" "They it would be wrong to get in the absence of formal procedures for land to start building on the Strictly speaking, the first batch is not built! Office Formation of the construction of this 20-suite is indeed incomplete!" Are elected county magistrate Li-liang said. Li-liang said the election, he served as home village surrounded on three sides by mountains, green everywhere, the beautiful natural environment, "do a good job model, with economic development, promote regional development and promote all-round development" of the work of thinking, any home village, "lucky" County has become the business of building new countryside in a big chessboard important piece. To promote the development of the village, on February 26, 2007, are the first New Year County County Committee of the Standing Committee of the incumbent village house held at the county level five highest decision-making level team gathered in any home village, county studies of the new rural construction Pilot work under the Formation of the geographic conditions, ecological conditions, the industrial base, the distribution of resources and cultural foundation, county party committee and government decision-permanent home village as a pilot demonstration of the new building in the village of the rural eco-tourism and leisure park. Lee has repeatedly stated that the election of county-liang, the house does not sell. Oct. 13, commercial matter for the South County Committee of the county government held an emergency meeting that the newly built house is also part of the building of new countryside, "to see the results of the investigation, if indeed irreconciliable, we put these houses back open Auction. " For any home village covers an area of illegal construction, "Villa", the Office of Land and Resources in Shaanxi Province have been sent to County vendors on-site investigation. (This article Source: China Daily Author: Chen unity)

Shanghai more than 100 Olympic for the opening day of the new marriage has begun Huihun

Morning hearing on August 1 awareness of marriage on August 8, "11" has decided to divorce during the period, so the "flash marriage" and "flash from the" phenomenon has occurred in Shanghai, the change is incredibly fast. Reporters learned yesterday that Shanghai has more than 100 on the opening day of the Olympic married couple to a marriage counselor for help, some of which have been officially divorced husband and wife. Nearly a month, every day, 23 pairs of "88 new people" to help get a divorce. "It was originally expected to occur until six months after the 88 new wave of divorce are gradually filled with the Olympic Games in the future." Yesterday, the Chinese divorce advisory services director of the Center for Research enjoyable told reporters that "a new Olympic" and his wife are to divorce "after 80" and his wife. Some of them met on the Internet a few months to meet several times before, only some contacts for a month or even a few days. The two sides did not fully understand, not bad run-in under the premise of the hasty marriage. In order to get the opening day of the Olympic Games this hard-won "Olympic marriage certificate", and understanding boyfriend only 7 days in advance of the Miss Zhang married in a hurry, did not think marriage is found in a variety of other shortcomings. "Now every day regret it. Husband love playing mahjong, the middle of the night to go home every day, they did not buy a house and no plans have been married like the idea of a child, her husband is not agree." Miss Zhang told reporters "We all see the Aug. 8 in order to catch the lucky date, and that two people come together, a hot-headed on a marriage. But did not expect a rush of divorce certificate." Reporters learned that the Olympic Games again on the opening day of the "double-8" good old days, the 7189 pairs of new people in Shanghai have driven the purpose of his marriage boom. "Olympic Day" in the history of Shanghai registered the largest number of married life, but the consequences are now slowly emerging. Feel that, in fact, many have not prepared a married couple in order to catch up with the good days ahead of schedule after another into the marriage hall. The two were married at the time of registration may have to bear the responsibility and obligation of all is not clear, after marriage, only to find there is no ready to get married, and some even do not know each other. It is clear that the "8.8" is an auspicious day for marriage can not be sustained to ensure that. Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau Director governing marriage auspicious week pointed out that more and more people are willing to set the wedding day of the month of 6, 8, 18 or 28 that these are good days. In fact, non-customs about the "good life" is a kind of psychological comfort, people want to add hi-hi, this is not unreasonable, however, compared to the date of marriage, the couple's feelings is the most important.

Beauty and the network of writers to meet less than 24 hours a married man

BEIJING, Oct. 15 Xinhua you do not have the courage to meet with a man less than 24 hours of step-by-step on the Hongtan? Japan has produced several of the food tourism, in the small network of well-known Arab-tong beauty writer, in the 33-year-old birthday, wedding, she and friends from his head to meet for the first time agreed to marry him, only 1 day. A month later two men on civil marriage, did not do weddings, marriage did not live with, very kind. According to Taiwan's United Daily News reported that her husband Wei Guang-man, a 3-year-old Arab-tong, has served as former Secretary of the Stock Exchange chairman Wu Nai-jen, is now an ordinary office workers. Yuelao their network, but the site is not making friends, but very red in the recent "mini-blog" because the message and get to know. Wei Guang-wen stressed that he was first attracted by the Arab-Israeli tong text, photos were later seen Xinhua that the Arab-tong on the spot said: "If the above photo as the first Miss, you will say so?" Both the network and the phone day and night to talk to each other a month later, on August 30, Wei Guang-wen courage confession: "go on like this, I will fall in love with you!" Ah Chuan-tong to his first photo, To see is a bad picture, the Arab-tong on the spot, "Lengdiao" so that the situation in the field has been wide Wen Wei's always work, greatly injured, but she begged, "at least you see a face." September 4 for the first time the two met, the market situation of the prodigal son Wei Guang-wen tension like falling in love for the first time as the big boys at a loss, down on the table, he asked her to marry him, when she is a joke; the following day, for the second time around He also proposed that the Arab-Israeli tong still wrong thing, unexpectedly, he said, "You either have to 'inspection', and then decide whether or not to continue with my contacts?" As a result, the so happened happened. Late at night, Wen Wei Guang take her place in the Pate Road that overlook the building's balcony of the night, the night before to show off, Waseda University in education can not help Arab-tong blurted out, "the United States and Japan seems to have idols of the theater scene ah," Wen Wei Guang-third Kneel, he succeeded. Arab-tong said to him, the two married on the day, "or birthday to you, or my birthday." So on Oct. 12 in the Arab-tong birthday of civil marriage, just before and after 15 minutes. However, because the marriage was a hasty end, even have time to look for a house, the couple or their home in the evening. However, they plan to marry next year anniversary of the day to do the banquet, "up for a year before dinner, that we are not 'fake marriage fraud true', in good faith!"

Strange pig head in particular about the big long face

Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. Taixing Qingyuan Huangqiao a sow's birth Touguaizhuzai all of a sudden, I saw a particularly large pig's head, went so far as the long Yizuoyiyou "face", can also Liang Zhanglian Freedom of movement, breathing, in cases of doubt, the blink of an eye will do. Veterinary Mr. He, this deformity is very rare pig. Unfortunately, around 12 noon, the collapse of a pig on. (This article Source: Reuters - Yangzi Evening News Author: WANG Guo-zhu JIA Hong-wei)

Shaoguan, Guangdong Public Security Bureau of the original mansion in 3000 seized more than cash

A According to the "Nanfang Dushi Bao" reported the day before the convening of the 15th Standing Committee meeting in Shaoguan City, was the appointment and removal, Stella Yang decided to dismiss the Shaoguan City Public Security Bureau office. Earlier media reports, Shaoguan City Committee of the Standing Committee, secretary of the Committee of Political Science and Law, the Public Security Bureau Stella Yang, transferred as a result of corruption Commission for Discipline Inspection was "double." Reported that the departments concerned in the Stella Yang Xinfeng luxury home in cash seized more than 3000 million; also seized a notebook.

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To determine if there is no noise signal, and the BIOS of your motherboard to open the automatic wake-up function, the board will be detected by external devices such as network card to connect the request, then start automatically. This is due to rise to the hardware, the motherboard simply refresh BI0S not solve the problem. You can try to shut down in the BIOS on the motherboard features automatic wake-up try, but also in power management setupwake-up by pci carddisabled (closed pci card wake-up function). Note: If the computer automatically shut down, it should enter the BIOS, to check whether or not to open the automatic shutdown temperature control functions, it can be shut down or control the temperature increase, to prevent them from automatic shutdown. 2, a computer Why then automatically power on the boot? A: The reason is: ① Plug Power does not guarantee a good contact, ② computer power supply problems, ③ bios setting. Solution: ① plug repair, ② the replacement of computer power, ③ configuration bios: in powermanagement setup of pwron after pwfall in power after the calls were to choose the state on, off and former_sts a try. Q: My computer recently a host on its own electricity to start, do not press the button to start the host. After removing the keyboard, there is no power like this now. I for a new keyboard, but in such a situation. I do not know what went wrong? Answer: a power that is automatically activated, may be Power_Good power supply circuit board failure or RESET circuit failure. Recommendations for a good power to try. In other words, if, after power addressed is the question of power; if not solve, the problem is the motherboard can be sent to the supplier repair or replacement. Remove the keyboard system could not be activated because the system BIOS at startup automatically detects hardware configuration, if there is lack of hardware, will self-suspended, and lack of resolve, self-test in order to continue. 3, how to delete the browser's address bar of the web site? ① delete the address bar of all Web sites: click on the "start" and then → "settings" and then → "Control Panel" and then click → "Int - ernet", you will find that there is a "history" of the plate. There are "delete history," click on the oh. You can also tune in the address bar of history preserved. Note: enter the "Internet" a lot of ways! For example, on the desktop to open Internet Explorer to find the "tool" to enter "Internet Options." Internet Explorer also can be a method of election of right-click "Properties." ② to delete the specified address bar Web site: first, "start" and then click on "Run" enter history. Choose the right time, and then Check it out! Which will not delete any! ③ delete the Chinese Web site, in fact, is called "real-name network." It remains a deleted click on the "start" and then → "settings" and then → "Control Panel" and then click → Internet appears a window above to find the "senior" in the "real-name network" called "to clear the address bar drop-down list Shown in real-name networks, "click on the box in front of the line! 4, how to solve the windows can not fault shutdown? The computer can not automatically shut down power, but remain in the "can now turn off the computer security," the screen will not move. windows can not be shut down due to a combination of the solution are also different. ▲ point, "turn off the computer", the computer does not always respond, there is a solution: Due to the rapid use of the system shutdown mechanism, but also the rapid shutdown is not compatible with some hardware, you only need to disable fast shutdown, as follows: running "msconfig", and the pop-up menu, select "Advanced" Labels, select the "Disable Fast Shutdown" (or "Disable UDF file system" or "If the shutdown failed, disable the disk scanner"), established to restart the computer. As the result of high-level power management functions, the following methods can be shut down power management features: "Start / Settings / Control Panel / System / Device Manager / System / Advanced Power Management / set / clear the opening of the power management," according to the established , Restart the computer. As the file system caused by the conflict, such as: system.ini file or win.ini file conflict. You can start when they entered the protected mode, the conflict can not be certain as to the specific location, only by modifying the system files that may conflict, restart the computer after determining whether the normal, repeated the steps until the issue is resolved. ▲ windows shutdown "is now shut down" and keep this picture, since there is no response, the hot start null and void. There are solutions: First of all, use Microsoft System Configuration tool Msconfig.exe, check what procedures are run, clean the system and guide, if clean can lead to solve the problem, you can re-use system configuration tool for their own use each of the relevant procedures to determine the cause does not shut down Procedures. In addition, such as graphics or sound card device driver problems, but also caused the shutdown failure to frequently asked questions. Into the "Control Panel / System / Device Manager" tab, disable all devices, and then reboot the system, if the issue is resolved, one by one and then the opening of the device is disabled in order to find out whether or not a hardware issue failure led to the shutdown. If the above steps to determine the cause of hardware is a non-normal shutdown, the device should contact the agent to update the firmware or driver. To modify the registry: Run regedit, into the registry into hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows ntcurrentversionwinlogon branch, in the right window to find or create a new type of reg_sz registry, as the name of "powerdownaftershutdown", double-click its value to 0 (0 to allow automatic power shut down, does not allow for an automatic power shut down). 5, how to solve the laptop to the LAN, but not on the Internet? May be due to the laptop's original computer local area network through a proxy server on the Internet; and the other computer is not a local area network through a proxy server on the Internet, so when the laptop to a local area network, after which only the local area network, Accessed the Internet. Solution: Right-click on the IE browser to connect to remove point-point attributes, "Use a proxy server" before the hook (that is, not elected "Use a proxy server") to determine. 6, how to download the flash animation on the page? All Internet sites visited, animation (including flash animation), are recorded and stored in C: WINDOWSTemporary Internet Files folder, therefore, as long as you are on a web page viewed on the web page flash animation, the folder in there flash animation, as long as copy it to another folder, you needed to have a flash animation. This shows that the Internet computer for a long time, the folder C: WINDOWSTemporary Internet Files are expected to grow, it is necessary to clear on a regular basis to ensure that sufficient hard disk space. 7, in their own web pages, links to other sites bulk provided by the "site links"? One approach: first to open other sites (pages) use the File menu microsoft frontpage editorial in the general view to choose the content of links to right-click Copy to view HTML code DW view, and in between the right-click to paste DW Design view, Amend. Second method: first to open other sites (pages) File menu to save the importation of pages of documents preserved. DW run to open the documents preserved by using copy and paste approach to their own web pages, links to other sites to provide bulk of the "Web site link." 8, why can not notebook projector to the projector? Desktop computer connected to the projector all the normal projection, however, notebook computer connected to the projector, there are two exceptions: a, the notebook LCD display screen, projector (screen) does not show information. Solution: This situation occurs because the boot sequence error. The projector is a computer peripherals, and computer peripherals to start with the correct sequence is peripheral to start, after your computer. Therefore, the solution is: first computer and peripheral connections, and then start the projector and finally to your computer (or restart your computer). Some notebook computers are also key conversion: + or F3>. b, the laptop LCD screen black (no display of information), but the projector (screen) to display information. Solution: This situation has arisen due to: a, no laptop at the same time liquid crystal display projector screen and peripheral functions; c, notebook computers and projectors are not compatible; c, for reasons unknown, pending the study. 9, how to open a secondary cache of the P4? My computer's CPU is a P4  Willamette  1.6GHz, UNIKA UP4X266A board, in AIDA32 tests, CPU in the discovery of L2 Cache show for the Disabled in PCMark The information system in 2002, the CPU of, L2 Cache as a guide when the show closed, I would like to ask how do I open the P4's L2 Cache? How can we know that L2 Cache is turned on? You encounter the phenomenon from the point of view, this is due to the BIOS to disable the secondary cache due to open a secondary cache is simple to use, into the motherboard BIOS, the "CPU Level 2 Cache "(or CPU External Cache) option is set to "Enable" can, and when set to "Disable" when it is disabled, to open in the secondary cache, you will be able to once again run AIDA32 verified. Some of the players in the limit when overclocking will be the closure of secondary cache, while the secondary cache can be disabled to improve the success rate of overclocking, but will also greatly reduce system performance. 10, how to find the missing input signs? Misoperation due to the normal shutdown or other reasons led to the taskbar on the input of the missing signs, at this time how this can be done? A: Generally speaking, we open the "Control Panel", "Input" dialog box, "start on the task bar indicator," a hook on the problem. However, in some cases to do so and there is no result, then we can try to modify the registry. First of all, run "regedit", to start "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ keyboard \ preload" branch, at its next create a new string value named "1" and its corresponding key to "00000409." Finally, close the registry, restart the system will be able to. In addition, the system "internat.exe" document will lead to loss of the problem. We can learn from other computers in the same copy of a document, put it into Windows installation directory for the system if  Win2000/XP, into the installation directory System32 folder , and then started running  registry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run "branch in the right side of a new string value, the key value and key are replaced by" internat.exe ". Finally, close the registry, restart your system. 11, black screen displays the reason? Some time ago a computer with a large fan noise, then open the box to see the original card is the fan and power lines caused by friction, so the two separate, and graphics tools will be put, the noise vanished. A few days later but the boot of a sudden black screen display, to open a case, the card does not turn the fan. Thought it was broken to start the card can be normal for a piece of card, or black. I would like to ask why? A: The reason why such a failure may be due to the fan card with the power cord friction collision with each other, by repeatedly squeezing Goldfinger graphics board AGP slot in the metal contact chip, so that the metal piece appeared in permanent contact deformation . First of all, please double-check AGP slot on the motherboard inside the flexibility metallic contact film to see whether they are bending deformation, if any, clocks repairs with the use of stainless steel tweezers, one by one carefully adjusted until the normal test . Black screen display may be another reason for the old display does not support high-resolution frequency solutions into the windows to reduce the resolution. 12, full-duplex sound card in the windows xp why not within the next recording? Q: My computer's sound card is a full-duplex sound card, but why can not under windows xp with sound recording? The main reason for not recording a "sound volume control," not the right choice. The solution is: Annex entertainment program to start volume control options in the menu attribute recording volume control menu option under the "Stereo Mix" or "stereo mix." 13, how to retrieve the lost Word menu? May be due to the misoperation of the reasons, my word it's missing some of the menu, I can not set up line, how to find the missing menu? Answer: word of some of the default settings are stored in the template file, so long as the reconstruction of the document can be. Click the "start looking for a file or folder," in the pop-up dialog box, type, set the scope of the search in the district office where the installation files, click the "search" button, to search this document will be deleted. When the word re-start when the re-establishment of the document, and the default application parameters can be removed to restore the menu. 14, to see how the local IP address and MAC address? a, win98 under investigation Ip and MAC address of the way In the "start -> run", type winipcfg, the pop-up dialog box to display mac and ip address. b, win2k/winxp investigation under way ip and mac "Start -> -> Accessories -> Command Prompt" At the command prompt type ipconfig-all 15, restrictions on how the workers during working hours through the QQ online chatting? I have a unit of a local area network through the server to share Internet access ADSL, had been normal, the latest of a new network management, blame the problem on more, the following is the only workstation or QQ, other applications (such as Internet browsing) Can not be used, and sometimes they just can not use QQ, I do not know why? A: If the unit's local area network to share Internet access on the server is used like the Wingate proxy server software, such software can be of different agreements and disable the port, if the HTTP protocol is disabled, you can not lead to browse Access to the Internet, such as QQ and the software is used by the Socks 5 port if the port are prohibited, QQ will not be able to use, there are a lot of units to limit the working hours of workers in the Internet through QQ chat, Fengdiao the port. However, there are specialized software lets you break through a proxy server port some of the restrictions here do not go up. 16, is how to record movies, vcd screen? Q: recording the film is playing, vcd of the screen, players are crawling film, vcd screen, remote viewing is movies, vcd computer screen, the screen is black, not the content of the film, and why? A: This situation occurs because the windows in the video, in order to enhance the smooth and delicate images, hence the use of Microsoft's DirectX technology to enhance the quality of video images, the computer media player technology and content of the video window to let in the sub - The two images show floor does not make sense, in order to allow the window with the contents of the video recording at the same time be able to crawl, as long as the graphics hardware acceleration can be closed by: Right-click the desktop windows of the High Point property problems "hardware acceleration" To "Disable all hardware acceleration." 17, in the local area network within the on-line neighbors how to hide the computer? A: In the next win2000/xp There are two ways to achieve: 1, the registry editor. In the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceslanmanserverparameters" branch, new or modified "hiden" The key value of "1", the key is the type of dword. 2, in the command prompt window running "net config server / hidden: yes" to order. 18, in the local area network within the Internet how to solve the problem of exchange of visits between the neighbors? Q: winxp install computer win98/2000 and sometimes can not visit each other's computers, set up shared folders, not to solve the problems in the local area network within the Internet how to solve the problem of exchange of visits between the neighbors? A: winxp to address on-line neighbors to share the problem: (1) installation NWlink IPX / SPX / NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol agreement. (2) open a guest account: Right-click My Computer users manage to have a guest, double-click to remove the "disabled accounts" in front of the hook. (3), right-click My Computer properties of the computer to see the tab appears in the local area network working group name, such as "WORKGROUP" network ID to choose the next step "is a local business network, use it to connect to the other The computer "to choose the next step," the company did not use the Web domain, "then enter the working group of local area network, such as" WORKGROUP "to complete the next step. Restart your computer. (4) the use of winxp firewall exception: winxp firewall in a state default is fully opened, which means that running the computer network linking all, difficult to achieve on-line neighbors to share. At the same time, due to the default windows firewall is a ban on the "File and Printer Sharing", so that the firewall is enabled, they can not print sharing, the solution is: to enter the "local connection" window, "High", "set up" " Exceptions "in check procedures and services under the" File and Printer Sharing. " (5) to delete "from the network to refuse access to this computer" of the guest account: run the Group Policy (gpedit.msc) of the local computer to configure the computer to set security settings windows of the local strategy users from the network refused to assign the right to access to this computer. If there is one guest, will be deleted. (The reason is: xp sometimes the guest is not allowed to access shared) (6) the abolition of "the use of simple file-sharing": Explorer folder options to view a tool to remove the "use simple file sharing (Recommended)" in front of the hook. (7) Working Group on the same name. (8) Check the "Microsoft Network File and Printer Sharing." (9) run strategy "Services.msc". Start the "Clipbook Server "(folder server): This service allows you to other network users to see your folder. Sometimes, of course, you can start it manually changed, and then use other programs on your network to distribute information. (10) win98 computer win2000/winxp not be able to access the computer, because: win2000/winxp computer users in the guest is disabled or win2000/winxp use the NTFS format partition, set up permissions control. General win98 allowed to visit, then, win2000/winxp's security control, not everyone will be the group to remove Account. NOTE: a, If you do not join the domain and would like to view the "security" tab, then set up display "security" tab: Explorer folder options to view a tool to remove the "use simple file sharing (Recommended)" in front of the Hook. b, to view files and folders effective authority: Explorer right-click to view effective permissions of the file or folder "Properties" Click the "Security" tab "Advanced", "effective authority", "choice" in the "name" Box, type the name of the user or group, and then click "OK." Check that the selected user or group of files or folders on the effective authority. c, can only use the NTFS format for the drive to set permissions. (11) on-line neighbors is too slow to address ways: win98, do not assume that the network novell network compatible with deleted in order to novell netware network equipment ipx / spx compatible to the agreement; win2000/xp, the system could remove the letter documents and setting Nethood username folder to all documents. 19, how to treat the partition table? A: The partition table is damaged, start the system often "non-system disk or disk error, replace a key to reboot" (non-system disk or disk error), "error loading operating system" (into the guide dos Records of the error), "no rom basic, system halted" (not to enter rom basic, the system stops responding) message, and so on. Here's where the partition table: a, killing virus: kv3000 / k b, or use the fdisk command gdisk repair: fdisk / mbr or gdisk / mbr. c, through hard kv3000 ambulance Wang repair: kv3000 - f10. d, with kv3000 backup to restore the partition table: Back up your hard disk master boot record: kv3000 / b, Floppy disk will generate 2 files: hdpt.dat, hfboot.dat. Restoration of hard disk master boot record: kv3000/hdpt.dat. 20, how to solve the problem of missing NTLDR? How to solve the problem of missing NTLDR? I installed Windows 98 and Windows XP dual-system boot-up pop-up "NTLDR is missing ..." message, the system can not start, how? NTLDR is the Windows XP start-up is an important guiding document. The above message that your computer has been lost in the document, directly from other versions of the same system in the C disk or copy them directly from a Windows XP installation CD-ROM extracted from a store that you can intraday C, If the trouble directly to repair the installation of Windows XP can solve the problem. 21, where the windows xp why not open the letter? My computer system with three windows98, widows2000, windows xp were installed in the C, D, E set, usually the default e is the start of the disk windows xp. One day, through a smooth power-on self test, after which the screen black, boot repeatedly been the case. Later, with windows2000 boot, everything will be all right. However, access to my computer or Explorer, double-click the disk E, suggesting that the site could not be opened, why? Why is there such a phenomenon so far not understand why. I have explored repeatedly, the only ways to tackle it, at first, into the My Computer or Explorer, E wants to set high-level formatting, can not be carried out, had failed to resolve numerous times. Later, before using the backup to restore the gho, the boot is not successful. Finally, finally can be solved by: Boot into windows2000, into the control panel, computer management, disk management, the E disk format, ok, and then resume the previous backup gho, boot, everything will be all right. E may be due to a disk Bad Track. 22, USB keyboard in the Win98 pure DOS mode, can not use? I have a USB keyboard, the result of pure Win98 in DOS mode, can not be used in the normal use of Win98/2k/xp inside. How do? USB devices generally need to drive, because the keyboard is a USB keyboard, the first port USB drives, which can be carried out in the CMOS, CMOS general of integrated peripherals which have USB keyboard spupport / USB mouse spupport option to choose Keyborad it. Some board may choose to Enable or Disable for usb mouse and keyboard support. Enable set to be resolved. 23, how to improve the speed of the start-up windows xp? Answer: a. Do not look at the boot screen before Windows 98/Me, we can appear in the boot when the screen by pressing Esc key to cancel it, and Windows 2000/XP will have to open the BOOT.INI file in the multi (0) disk (0) partition (1) \ WINNT = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" / fastdetect statement after the plus / NOGUIBOOT, which is multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINNT = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional target = "_blank"> disappeared on the surface, the speed will start a slight upgrade. b. on the Windows XP start for optimization Windows XP has a good new features, that is, when can start Disk Defragmenter, so that those who start the necessary documents can be arranged in adjacent, so that the next start-up faster. If your Windows XP did not open this feature, open the "Registry Editor" to find [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Dfrg \ BootOptimizefunction], in the right pane, right-click Enable value in the pop-up menu, select "Amendment" and then changed to the value of Y (open) (N for the closure). After the closure of the amendments to the "Registry Editor" and restart the computer. 24, why start win2000 normal, and winxp can not start My computer system with three windows98, widows2000, windows xp were installed in the C, D, E Disk (C disk is FAT32, D, E is NTFS), usually the default E is set to start the windows xp. Before the operation has been normal, Recently, the power-on self test successfully passed, after which the screen black, can not start, the boot is so repeatedly, sometimes success is also occasionally start 3 - 5 minutes to complete the start, before the normal time ghost Backup recovery, xp be able to start the normal 5 - 6 times in the future there is a smooth power-on self test is passed, since black screen or will not boot, the boot is so repeatedly, sometimes success is also occasionally start 3 - 5 minutes to start完成. Later, with windows2000 boot, everything will be all right. Why? A: I was re-install windows xp, running everything will be all right. But I start the computer with windows 2000, windows xp use your computer can not start a normal situation occurred, I found this: This is the windows2000 as a result of clashes with windows xp, I have a computer at the same time with windows xp and windows 2003 there were such cases. It can be seen at the same time with two of the NT system, the installation is complete long as it does not start the previous system, after the installation of a system can be said to be a normal start, but once a pre-installed systems, re-start after a The system will be in conflict, so that after the installation of the system can not start, of course, a pre-installed system can be activated to normal. Concluded: a computer can not install two NT systems. If you want to install both systems, it can only be windows 98/windows xp or windows 98/windows 2000 or windows 98/windows 2003. In addition windows xp can not start for another reason: windows xp, as long as the hard drive in the district have a Bad Track, the system may not be the district where the damage, windows xp can not start. Windows2000 For example, damage to other districts, as long as its not a system where the damage to the district, still be able to start normal. Therefore, windows xp can not start, hard to check whether there are Bad Track, where Bad Track, Bad Track can be hard to repair tool to repair HDD Regenerator v1.41, generally fixed. 25, windows of the input tray gone, how do? Answer: windows of the taskbar disappear input to input Chinese characters into the problem and to solve the problem depends on the circumstances: a, if the windows taskbar input method program (windows xp is: windowssystem32ctfmon, win98/win2000 is: windowssysteminternat.exe) damage, then the only other from computer to copy the program or re-system, the problem is solved. b, if the windows taskbar input method program is not broken, do not just run it, then they would have to run it (as follows), the problem is solved. windows98, windows xp: running enter: msconfig start to determine the appropriate procedures for checking the name. c, if the windows taskbar input method program has been able to function properly, not only in the taskbar display, in accordance with the following operational problems can be solved. windows98: Check the control panel input method "to start on the task bar indicator." windows xp: Control Panel, Regional and Language Options language Language column for more information check "on the desktop display language column" and "in the task bar icon in other languages."