Monday 13 October 2008

Cancer prevention

● Do not Bieniao The study found that the incidence of bladder cancer and a person's drinking, urination-related habits. According to the data show that 5 times a day voiding of urine than 6 times more likely to develop bladder cancer. This was mainly due to less water for a long time Bieniao and easy to make concentrated urine and urinary retention in the bladder within a longer period of time, the urine of chemical substances to stimulate the epithelial cells, leading to the occurrence of cancer. More water, ground voiding can play a "wash" the bladder and remove harmful chemicals. ● quit smoking At present, smoking has become a worldwide public hazard that poses a serious threat to human health. There is a comprehensive research report, the United States, Britain, Canada, the incidence of cancer smokers: lung cancer deaths of non-smokers, smokers of 10.8 times, 5.4 times that of laryngeal cancer deaths. The authority of the United States for cancer research institute's report pointed out: bad habits account for 35% of the cancer-causing factors, smoking accounted for 30% of the two figures together accounted for 65%. Tobacco is very harmful to the fetus, and pregnant women to smoke, after a child's risk of cancer will be more than 50%. In view of this, more emphasis on preventive aspects, so that the vast majority of people will be able to stay away from cancer, everyone has their own from the start is very important. Regardless of which age group of people, smoking is extremely dangerous and will lead to cancer. ● Drink vegetable juice Changhe beet juice (made of roots and top), carrot juice (including B-carotene), asparagus juice. Fresh cabbage and carrot juices made mixed results excellent. Grape juice, cherry juice and all the dark fruit, including juice Su Fermented Kurozu Vinegar is very good nutrition fruit juices, fresh apple juice could also be benefited. In the morning, the best drink fruit juice, vegetable juice is the best drink in the afternoon. Only drink mineral water or distilled water. ● eat onions and garlic Onion and garlic is an excellent health food. 10 a day to eat raw almonds, with their wealth of laetrile, or an anti-tumor agent. Sprout can eat, such as radish sprouts, the latter, it is best eaten raw, or simply use a little hot water you can. ● Health eat carrots Many people know that, at present in the hospital often use a "interferon" drug. It is the body's own white blood produced by a glycoprotein, inhibit cancer cells in the body quickly split. However, the human body generated very little interferon, so scientists have developed a "dose interferon induced" a class of drugs that stimulate the body's own induction and produce more interferon. In the day-to-day meals, some can be induced interferon food, the best results, it is necessary to be a turnip. Research shows that from the radish can be isolated from interferon-induced dose of the active ingredient - double-stranded RNA, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, cervical cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer cells are inhibited. However, the active ingredient of this heat, if the withered after cooking and heating in the process of destruction will be so raw carrot to the anti-cancer benefit. ● restrictions on high fat diet Studies have shown that compared with the low-fat diet, the fat-rich diet, a very significant increase in the incidence of colon cancer and the risk of breast cancer. High fat diet is a cancer of the fuel agent.

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