Monday 13 October 2008

Cancer treatment

First, Chinese medicine treatment This is to promote the treatment, a large number of clinical practice has proved that for patients with advanced high-dose radiotherapy and chemotherapy, or for the resistance in patients with chemotherapy again will only lead to more weakness in the lives of dying, the accelerated death. Clinical often can be seen, not because the cause of death in patients with cancer itself, but not scientific, and inappropriate treatment due to destruction. If the number of liver cancer after intervention ascites, jaundice, such as liver function failure and death; pleural effusion of lung cancer after chemotherapy lead to respiratory failure and death; stomach cancer, colorectal cancer after chemotherapy nausea, vomiting, patients with more failure and death; decline in white blood cells, patients infected with The death, and so on. Chinese medicine treatment of choice for the major components of Taxus in Chinese herbal medicine, but yew can not take alone. Scientific research shows that the toxicity of Taxus very normal use, are likely to produce bone marrow suppression functions, interleukin drop, and other serious side effects, mainly the performance of dizziness, dilated pupils, nausea, vomiting, diffuse abdominal pain, muscle Can not afford, and so on, a serious heart appeared to slow, cardiac arrest or death! Moreover, cancer patients! Low resistance to cancer patients, frail and alone will take more dangerous! These can traditional Chinese medicine to make up for surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and the lack of consolidation of both radiotherapy and chemotherapy effect and can eliminate the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, more importantly, be able to cut off the cancer cells to copy functions, which is cut off cancer Important cell division - tubulin synthesis, so that gradually reduce the size of cells in the blood vessels inside the cancer cells to form a stable, so as to enhance the body's metabolic functions, namely: the cancer cells by inhibiting respiration, cancer cells so that the ischemia, Lack of oxygen, not fissile, so as to achieve cure cancer. Second, surgery Generally, including radical surgery, palliative surgery, exploratory surgery. (1) radical surgery Due to rapid growth of malignant tumors, not coated on the surface, and it is normal sleep-week no clear boundaries, local infiltration powerful, and through the lymphatic metastasis. As a result, the operation in and around the tumor should be a range of normal tissues and may be affected by the violation lymph nodes removed completely. This operation is suitable for the more limited scope of the tumor, there is no distant metastasis, good health patients. (2) palliative operation A wider range of tumors, has been transferred and can not be radical surgery of patients with advanced, in order to alleviate suffering and maintain nutrition and prolong life, can be removed only part of the tumor or alleviate the symptoms of some operations, such as PEG, and so on. (3) exploratory surgery Deep internal organs of the tumor, sometimes through a variety of inspection can not determine the nature, the need for open heart, open craniotomy, or check the form of lump meat with its distinction between the nature or cut a small piece of living tissue quickly frozen section, A clear diagnosis and then decided to surgery and treatment program for the exploration of surgery. Third, radiation therapy Radiotherapy referred to as radiotherapy, it is the use of high-energy electromagnetic radiation effects on life, so that the change in the structure of biological molecules to destroy cancer cells of an aim of treatment. Radiation to treat cancer because the cancer cells sensitive to radiation. At present, clinical applications have X-ray radiation treatment and two r-line treatment. Radiation therapy for cancer is effective depends on many factors, such as clinical time sooner or later, the pathology of tumor types and its sensitivity to radiation, the patient's overall situation and all the relevant circumstances surrounding the tumor. On the tumor radiosensitivity of tumor cells with high and low speed of the split, the growth in direct proportion to speed. With a pathological tumor differentiation and radiosensitivity in inverse proportion to the degree that the tumor cells with low level of radiation is high sensitivity, and those with a high degree of differentiation is low radiation sensitivity. Therefore, based on clinical tumor of different doses of radiation response can be divided into different categories: one category is the radiation-sensitive tumors, often 50 to 60 Gy irradiation, that is, tumors disappeared, such as lymphoma, seminoma, dysgerminoma And the poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and small cell lung cancer, and so on. The other is a medium-sensitive tumors, it is necessary to exposure to about 60 to 70 Gy, only the tumor disappeared. Another is a class of non-radiation-sensitive tumors, and even closer to its exposure than normal tissue tolerance, the effects of radiation therapy poor, such as some soft tissue sarcoma and bone tumors, and so on. Radiosensitivity of the tumor and also their way of growth, outside the general process of growth such as the papillary type of tumor, polypoid, cauliflower-sensitive, and the invasive growth of the tumor type, such as infiltration, ulcer-type, the more sensitive Low. Radiosensitivity and the cure rate is not proportional to the radiation. Radiosensitivity of the tumor, although the local effect, the tumor disappeared quickly, but because of its large degree of malignancy, far more than the opportunity to transfer, thus making it difficult for radical. Squamous cell carcinoma of the radioactive medium, but it's less distant metastasis, the higher the cure rate radiation, such as skin cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, cervical cancer. In addition, the lymph sarcoma, medulloblastoma, and other more sensitive. There are highly sensitive multiple myeloma, germ cell tumor, ovarian tumor cell clones, Ewing's tumor, Wilms tumor, and so on. The tumor can be highly sensitive to radiation-based, early stage cervical cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, tongue cancer, esophageal cancer early, such as radiation therapy can be up to the five-year survival rate of 90%. Those with advanced cancer radiotherapy can sometimes get a certain effect. IV chemotherapy Chemotherapy drugs will be taken to the body by blood vessels, all the cells of the body are affected. This therapy is also sometimes referred to as "cytotoxic therapy" because the drugs used are harmful, or even with the toxicity, cells in the body, regardless of whether malignant cells are damaged. The clinical application of chemotherapy in four ways: 1. Advanced or disseminated tumor chemotherapy As a result of this type of cancer patients is usually a lack of other effective treatment, often using the very beginning chemotherapy, the purpose is achieved in the near future to ease. This will usually referred to as chemotherapy-induced chemotherapy. Such as the introduction of chemotherapy failed, to switch to other chemotherapy, known as rescue treatment. 2. Adjuvant chemotherapy Refers to the local treatment (surgery or radiation therapy), against the possible transfer of small lesions to prevent its recurrence and to carry out the transfer of chemotherapy. For example, osteosarcoma, testicular tumor and the high-risk breast cancer patients after adjuvant chemotherapy can significantly improve the efficacy and improve survival or disease-free survival rate. 3. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy The clinical response to the relatively limitations on the tumor, but radiation therapy or surgery to remove a certain degree of difficulty, in operation or the use of radiation therapy before chemotherapy. The aim is to reduce the tumor after chemotherapy, thereby reducing the scope of removal, to reduce disability caused by surgery; followed by chemotherapy can inhibit or eliminate the possible transfer of small, to improve the survival rate of patients. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy has been shown for bladder cancer, breast cancer, throat cancer, osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma, non-small cell lung cancer, esophageal cancer and head and neck cancer can reduce the scope of the operation, or surgery can not be removed through chemotherapy following tumor Variable Resectable into the tumor. 4. Special way to chemotherapy (1) Endovascular treatment. Including cancer of the chest cavity, abdominal cavity and pericardial effusion. Usually chemotherapy drugs (such as mitomycin C, cisplatin and 5 - fluorouracil, and bleomycin) with appropriate amount of fluid dissolved or diluted by the drainage catheter into the body cavity of a variety of diseases, thus to control the vicious Body cavity fluid. (2) spinal chemotherapy. Leukemia and solid tumors can be many violations of the central nervous system, especially the most vulnerable to meningeal involvement. Treatment is usually used intrathecal administration of thoracic puncture, so that cerebral fluid with a higher concentration of drugs in order to achieve the purpose of treatment. Spinal commonly used drug methotrexate and cytarabine. (3) arterial chemotherapy. If the external carotid artery branches intubation treatment of head and neck cancer, liver arterial treatment of primary liver cancer or liver metastasis.

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