Tuesday 14 October 2008

Xinjiang Shihezi child welfare group Zaobao Da

Asian Heart WebEx (Reporter Ben Wang Fang-an) Xinjiang Shihezi City Social Welfare Institute has been a collective group of children beaten aunt, happened in the afternoon of Oct. 12. Some children were injured, a true red and swollen left leg wounds, they told reporters subcordiformis network, no one told the president, fear of a heavier punishment. The children said the first thing we do not take a beating, the most severely hit, hit is the management of all living and learning "big sister" and Lili "auntie" Wang Fang, Asian children to take a beating heart network reporters set out a list of students. They said that afternoon, from primary to junior high school of more than 30 students were severely reprimanded, in which 15 children were playing, the obvious wounds 67. More than 30 children had been playing all collective cry of pain The incident occurred the night, Tong Tong's father to take him home and dry food, to see recognition of their "son" to walk limp, he knows the truth of the matter. Tong Tong Shihezi is the third of secondary school students, but also the welfare of orphans, the good news is that she identified the stem Ganma Dad, every time, or over the weekend, dry on Ganma father to pick her to go home, sometimes with her Xiaguan Zi. Asian Heart saw network reporters Tong Tong, were also found some of the children, 67 children injured. Roll up their trouser legs, situated only red green and red lines are imprinted, massive bruising around the skin. The penalty in the beating of children, the youngest only eight years old, the little girl called Swallow, two Ma Weibian hair, forehead with two other credit card issuers, the bright red face, strangers, Will be little face looked up and smiled. Swallow Shihezi is a third-year secondary school students, her belly part of his left leg, a total of wounded to prescribe both the red, two belly right leg, bending little school uniforms set off trouser legs to the heart sub-network of correspondents to see when the wrinkled Brow, Duzhuoxiaozui shout "Aunt ... ... pain!." Gently stroking from trousers, innocent and lively Swallow Road: "Aunt, after school, I can not run faster." Subcordiformis network reporter asked her why, swallows little face looked up and said, "run faster, leg pain ... ... " Swallow said that his injured leg, Lili is the fight. "She took a long note, like the kind of bamboo, pumping hard ... ... I first pumping his right leg, the pain I went back, and then she let me come to stretch his left leg, under the Tenth Five-Year!" "You know how the next Five-Year Plan?" Subcordiformis network reporter asked, then swallow without thinking, "next to the number of people help me!" "You cried for you? Why did she make you?" "Cried, my brother and sister were crying ... ..." Swallow said that the presence of everyone cried, and his beaten, I will not be back no multiplication, test scores do not recall. Beaten that day is Sunday. The children said that about 15:00 or so, eat lunch, they called Lili was the first multi-function hall lecture, next to each person to report their test scores, who do not pass the exam to be punished beaten on the spot, after four or five Children were "aunt" called the office, playing with mop handle. "Let us Lili stroke from trouser legs, the test or not test scores less than the requirement that she used bamboo Choutui. Aunt is called her our own offices, with the mop handle hatchet man, kicking." HUA being beaten in three Shihezi in the sixth grade, the students said that the attack was mainly for academic and the other is that he and a few children damage the yard washing machines. The children said that from elementary school to junior high school was about San Sishi personal cried to accept multi-function hall and lecture education, the students were beaten on the spot cried after each person made an oral assurance to leave after the last child 67, Wang Fang was called the office. "Sister fight, so that the pants off, standing up to fight when necessary, anyone who tamper with, Genghen play. Choude pain so we certainly shrink in the future, about the final draw, I really can not stand, A cry. "Said Ling-Ling said, the tears came, she could not go on, Chou Yan began non-stop. Ling-Ling and a little skin, the time to speak with their heads bowed, were not loud enough, it seems that she has not forgotten the pain, say a few words each, it can not help looking around the ridicule: "Aunt, we are in a low voice, to let people know , They will Genghen we play. " Asian Heart Network reporter for the promise he kept confidential, Lingling cry, and Min Qi her trouser legs, two red scars. "I see her cry, do not make mistakes again warned before I go on her, I math test 60 hours, she said that I will not do math, they did not meet the requirement of 70 hours, to be honest, I do not like to stay Here, my mother alive, I have never played. "Big stars tears once again slipped down the corner of the Ling-Ling, said her parents sick last year after the death of their welfare came to life. The children said that the primary school grades 1-4 to test more than 95 points, 70 in 2056, split-level passes, the school must pass it this semester is to develop the new rules, was not so strict. And Ling-Ling, also beaten lengthy one, she and Tong Tong, Zhao Zhao and the others had been in the punishment of Li-Li, Wang Fang has been playing with mop. "I have a math test 54 hours, 3 o'clock, after dinner, sister Lili us to report on the performance multi-function hall, next to each report, the failed test on the use of bamboo Choutui, the smallest multiplication I Swallow Will never let her want results, not think, let us lift pants leg to play. "Lengthy that finished after allowing only let down, and then clean up" the next student. " Beaten twice in one day is too sad to be afraid of playing reporter begged subcordiformis network made not to report Students return to their quarters, according to the lengthy recall, about 17 o'clock, he and Tong Tong, Zhao Zhao, and others have been, Wang Fang was called the Office of themselves. "We have instructions not only aunt, said that the examination of the matter, we have also said that the washing machine broke." Lengthy, they one day, was hit twice. "Aunt hatchet man with mop handle and legs, kicking us." Tong Tong said: "The test usually bad or wrong, they were a hit, with bamboo pump Lili, Wang Fang aunt with a stick or mop fight , Said that if a good exam, personal hygiene well, will take a beating. " The wounded were children, most of the "sad, afraid of being beaten again," Some children learn the identity of reporters Asian Heart Network, Asia and even to the heart network begged reporters not to report issued. Fourteen-year-old birthday, but the pain received a birthday present "In fact, we should also take a beating, sleep study and the future direction of society, in the face of more things, and I feel no different from other children." Lele said frankly that he is an optimist, she do not want this To talk too much about, even if the hope that in the past. Huan and Le Le are twins, as a sister of Huanhuan do not agree with her point of view. "You can afford, but that's the way we deal with, than we are young students how to do bear." Finish, the good old red eyes, "I do not want to discuss this matter, the test is not good, than we thought No one uncomfortable, but we have to fight face-to-face ... ... "happy paused, turned his head looked out the window:" The other day I was fourteen-year-old birthday, I will never forget the pain. " Then think of her as "Auntie, do not be able to write it? Or other published reports, so that our welfare ... well ...." I know that the aunt is also good for us 17-year-old Wang is very sensible clever, though she's playing very serious, there are 10 injuries on the legs, but expressed its understanding of welfare, her swollen legs of the Lao Gao, the limp when walking, she Asia Heart network reporter described the circumstances surrounding the incident. For Lili hit, she said there is the matter that he was also one of the hitters. "Maybe, sister and aunt also good for us, my English exam only 24 minutes, because we did not do well until the penalty, they were aunt's lengthy fight, because they ruined washing machines, and stealing parts to sell out . "Wang said, to their own welfare for eight years, and for the future, not to think about this carefully, but the biggest wish is that the success of this test, when after the show host. Responsible for the welfare of people do not know that the matter At 14 o'clock on the October 14, sub-network of correspondents to find the heart the welfare of the people in charge of Guo Long, was informed about the matter, first of all, she said he was surprised. "Now no one to reflect, the children did not start." She said: "Wang is the head of the Department of the students at the same time control the children's health, the library's storage yard, Lili out of our homes The orphans, now in a hospital internship, usually, she is a long-quarters, placing more than their small children, counseling them to learn from. The two men are very dedicated, Wang Fang often called the children to eat their own, Internet, counseling children learn , Lili also love children, with the delicious, want to own, but left his younger brothers and sisters. " The children were playing, the Long March, Guo said he did not know. "We will immediately investigate and implement it, this is not my place of work, even if the child again wrong, it can not be determined to fight, in this way is very incorrect, we have to take seriously the solemn, the children were playing, we Will appease, no longer guarantee that a similar situation. " (Reported in both parties assumed name, as the president of the real name)

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