Monday 13 October 2008

Overview of cancer

Cancer, also known as malignant tumors, there were relatively benign. 肿瘤是指机体在各种致瘤因素作用下,局部组织的细胞异常增生而形成的局部肿块。 Tumor in the body refers to a variety of tumor-induced factors, local organizations abnormal cell proliferation and the formation of a local mass. 良性肿瘤容易清除干净,一般不转移、不复发,对器官、组织只有挤压和阻塞作用。 Benign easily cleared away, there is generally no transfer of non-recurrence of organs, tissues and only squeezed the role of obstruction. 但恶性肿瘤还可以破坏组织、器官的结构和功能,引起坏死出血合并感染,患者最终可能由于器官功能衰竭而死亡。 But cancer can also damage the organization, structure and function of organs, causing hemorrhagic necrosis infection, patients with end-organ failure may be due to the death.
癌症病变的基本单位是癌细胞。 Cancer lesion is the basic unit of cancer cells. 人体细胞老化死亡后会有新生细胞取代它,以维持机体功能。 After the death of the aging of human cells will be the new cells to replace it in order to maintain the functions of the body. 可见,人体绝大部分细胞都可以增生,但这种增生是有限度的,而癌细胞的增生则是无止境的,这使患者体内的营养物质被大量消耗。 We can see that the vast majority of the human body cell proliferation can, but this proliferation is limited, and the proliferation of cancer cells is endless, which makes the patient a lot of nutrients to be consumed. 同时,癌细胞还能释放出多种毒素,使人体产生一系列症状。 At the same time, cancer cells can release a variety of toxins, so that the human body have a range of symptoms. 如果发现和治疗不及时,它还可转移到全身各处生长繁殖,最后导致人体消瘦、无力、贫血、食欲不振、发热及脏器功能受损等。 If you do not timely detection and treatment, it can also be transferred to the body growth and reproduction, resulting in human suffering from weight loss, weakness, anemia, loss of appetite, fever and organ damage.
人体几乎每个部位都可能遭受癌症侵害。 Almost every part of the human body could suffer against cancer. 本来,人体这个生物机器运行得天衣无缝,然而癌症改变了这种情形,它的任务就是破坏。 Originally, the human biological machine is perfect, but the cancer has changed this situation, it is the task of destruction. 如果继续下去,就将拖垮人体。 If you continue, it will wear down the human body. 但是,肿瘤不像病毒,不是体外入侵者,它的成分和正常组织一样,因此机体无法对它进行识别免疫。 However, unlike tumor virus, not the intruder in vitro, its composition and the same as normal tissue, so the body can not be immune to identify it.

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